Tuesday, November 08, 2011

The 21st Birthday Wishes :)

I wish someone wish for my birthday at this time. Now! This Midnight..

A year ago, he did. Until now, there's nothing. I have checked it already on my facebook wall. Hmm, I think he has forgotten all about me, my birthday too. *~*
If today he write on my wall, it's going to be a miracle. Hahaha. Ridiculous! What kind of thinking is that?! #nyampah :p
I shouldn't think about this, *sigh* I let this feeling go for over months before this. :))

Just be thankful to Allah, my Lord, the most I love, who give me life which is so wonderful filled with fantastic parent, amazing sister, funny friends, and so many many more spectacular things happened in my life. Coloring my life.

Allah always teach me everytime, so I can learn how being tough, struggle this life to get what I desire. I know exactly in every step of my life is the best thing that Allah give. Eventhough sometimes it hurts me a lot, very different with what I expect. But I know Allah wants me to learn something good behind it, makes me tougher than before.

I believe Allah lead me to be better and better and better than before. Never stop to learn, because life is a gift, to be lived, to be changed into something good, to be felt, to be loved, and all because Allah. Everthing I do it's because Allah.

I'm not a girl anymore, not as teenager. I'm 21, like cinema, XXI. hahaha :D
I wish all new and all good for my life, new me, better me, my happiness, health, wealth, success, graduation, passion and I wish Allah give me good guy which love me because You, not who I am outside but inside, take me all the best and worst, lead me to be better person too. I wish for my parent pride too about me.. I wish, I wish, I wish!! So many many things I wish for people who love me too!!

Thank you Allah, thank you for this chance for me to live.. Beautiful! :))

#Al Fatihah (for my birthday, for my future, for all things!)


  1. Amiinn.. ^_^.
    Wish u all d'best..
    I believe all people who love you always pray for your kindness ..

  2. ow my gosh! my instrustor read my blog! hahaha, I'm shy.. >.<
    Aammiin yra.
    Thank you so much Mr. Indra for your wishes to me.. I wish all the best for you too.. :))

  3. subhanallah....
    do you know? when 1 know that it's you..
    i was surprised..it was your Birthday..
    i just wanna say...Good Luck for you..wish Allah always give you d'Best...everything...
    HAPPY BIRTHDAy Miss CEPUK... ^..^

  4. aaammiinn yra.
    Well, thank you so much Mr. Iqbal for the birthday wishes, I wish for your everything best too.. :))

  5. wish all the best for you:)
    like the law of attraction, good things attract other good things, love begets love, kindness begets kindness. it's the natural force that attract anything in the similar line:)

    i got the nice words from a novel I've been reading, the alchemist;
    "when you want something, all the universe conspires in helping you to achieve it"

  6. Thank you for visiting and leaving comment, also wishing for me mr.Erik. :)
    aammiinn yra.
    I wish all the best for you too mr. :)

    nice quote mr. I hope so, happen to my life, the law of attraction. "good things attract other good things".
    maybe it seems like, "be great so that you will get the great thing", my friend said. so, everything we'll get based on ourselves, what we really want, and who we are, suit or not. Is that right mr?! :p
